Agriculture How It Work

What is Hard Water?

Hard Water is water that contains a high mineral content such as an amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water.

What does hard water contain?



Trace amounts of other minerals

Most water hardness testers measure or report hard water in grains per gallon, but some laboratories use milligrams per liter, or parts per million.

It's a natural result of minerals like calcium and magnesium accumulating during the water cycle, and it can happen with well water and even city water. The more calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water, the harder the water becomes. This is why certain cities and counties within the same state can have varying degrees of water hardness.

How to measure Hardness?

Grains/Gallon mg/L & ppm Classification
Less than 1 1 to 3.5 Soft
Less than 17.1 17.1 to 60 Slightly Hard
3.5 to 7.0 60 to 120 Moderately hard
7.0 to 10.5 120 to 180 Hard
10.5 and over 180 and over Like a stone

One part per million (PPM) is just what it says: out of one million units, one unit is a hard water mineral. Grains or a grain per gallon (GPG) is a weight measurement taken from the Ancient Egyptians, and is the equivalent of one dry grain of wheat, or about 1/7000 of a pound. It takes 17.1 PPM to equal 1 GPG.

If a test for hard water is measured in parts per million or milligrams per liter you can take the total hardness level and divide it by 17.1 to get hardness in grains per gallon. For example if your water test shows 250 mg/L hardness you actually have 14.62 grains per gallon. You convert milligrams per liter or parts per million by dividing the total by 17.1 to get grains per gallon hardness.

Hard water problem in Farming

Water is the life blood of any farm. In nature water never exists as just pure H2O. To make available best water from canal or river for farming is difficult. Almost 85% farmers have bore well or well water for farming. There are always other substances dissolved in it that we know as mineral salts. Healthy, balanced water needs to have mineral salts in it to sustain life. However it's the percentages of those mineral salts that make water either "hard" or "soft". Basically, high amounts of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, classify water as hard. You can often and a large amount of iron,manganese, sodium and other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulphates in hard water.

Due to large amount of minerals present in water , water becomes hard , when it comes in water pipe line, drip irrigation line and sprinkler nozzle get choked over a period of time and there is no uniform water supply to all crops. Also hard TDS water burns tips of leaves, reduces growth of the plant, affects crops yield as compared to normal water farming and also damages the soil structure.

Solution of All Hard Water Problem

Sanimax Water Conditioner System (Sanimax Descaler) uses specialized microprocessor technology without any chemicals or salt or magnetism, with unique Cut free- Touch Free technology. The complex structure of molecules is broken down into a simple structure or scale with the help of this microprocessor based water conditioner. This scale does not get deposited on the inner surface and gets washed away with water.

The Sanimax Descaler system is an electronic water conditioning system that is comprised of a computerized control box and a signal cable that is wrapped on the pipeline going to the equipment being treated. The installation is very simple with no cutting into the pipes. The system is non-intrusive and never comes in direct contact with the water. Sanimax Descaler has Auto-Switching for power input of 220 VAC.

Reduce cleaning time on equipment between flocks Sanimax Descaler significantly reduces cleaning times between flocks due to the elimination of lime scale. These savings include the cleaning and administering chemicals.

Reduce chemicals and acids to clean waterlines, bell waterers and nipple drinkers Sanimax Descaler will result in dramatic savings in chemicals and acids to remove lime scale deposits.

Reduce the need of chemicals to remove lime scale and biofilm deposits Sanimax Descaler will greatly reduce the need of chemicals and agents to remove existing lime scale and biofilm deposits in waterlines and equipment.

Prolongs use of poultry equipment Sanimax Descaler will greatly prolong the life of poultry equipment by reducing the use of chemicals and the wear and tear chemicals cause.

Reduce maintenance costs Sanimax Descaler will result in considerable savings in the labor incurred in the cleaning of lime scale and replacing equipment.

Prolongs cool cell pads resulting in savings on electrical usage Sanimax Descaler will prolong the use of cool cell pads allowing them to operate with better efficiency. This will result in an even draw of air that will reduce the fan running time, resulting in electrical savings.

Capital equipment last longer Sanimax Descaler will save money in replacing misters, foggers, and costly HVAC equipment while making them perform more efficiently – resulting in considerable savings.

Return on investment within months Your investment in Sanimax Descaler quickly recovered within a few months with the accumulation of the above benefits. Huge savings thereafter as Sanimax Descaler will perform for many years without the need of chemicals or maintenance.

Benefits of Installing Sanimax Descaler

  • It eradicates hard water scale and decomposition on all water related equipment's like Pivot Systems,drip lines, sprinklers, irrigation pumps and water lines.
  • Being a cost effective solution it helps in reducing costs of labour, equipment replacements and revamp or repairing costs.
  • Increases milk production, fat content in milk and In poultry egg laying capacity increases & problem of thin shelled eggs in minimized.
  • Soil absorbs water perfectly. Increases seed germination and gives bettor healthy growth to the plants
  • Reduces effect of Chlorides & Fluorides that helps to increase sub-roots efficiently
  • Fewer pesticides & effective use of fertilizers.
  • Crop production 10 to 40% & crop quality increases.
  • Reduce tip burning problem in leaves up to 40% to 70%
  • Pipe size (diameter)

    Pipe type (copper, pvc, galvanized, steel, etc.)

    Water hardness in gpg or ppm

    Flow rate

    Type of application

    Location on equipment

    Type of Water (Borewell, municipal, Recycle water, etc.)

    Sanimax is an Indian-based technology brand with just one mission – “simplifying people’s lives with innovative products.” We believe that the true purpose of “technology and innovation” is to make our day-to-day life hassle-free and less complicated – whether it is a home or a workplace. With that in mind, we bring to you our path-breaking tech products that not only meet the highest standards of quality and safety, but are also user-friendly, super-efficient, and cost-effective.